General Election News – Oil Industry Reaction

General Election News – Oil Industry Reaction

By Andrew Wells, May 24, 2024

As you are now aware an election has been called in the UK for July 4th.

There will be a short parliamentary wash up where any undecided legislation is agreed to be waived through (or not). This unfortunately does not include consultations. Therefore, we are going to have to wait until a new government comes in to see progress on the Renewable Liquid Heating Fuel Obligation.

Please read the following statement from UKIFDA, the industry body for liquid fuels and OFTEC:

“As the General Election campaign begins, the parties and their candidates standing across the UK’s rural seats must look to the issues that truly matter to rural voters and the challenges they face. This includes how rural communities will heat their homes and how government can give them choice about how best they can decarbonise their home heating.

“Whatever party is victorious, they will inherit an uncertain economic situation and a need to prioritise policy changes that are possible given this outlook. This must include:

“Delivering on the commitments parliament made to the UK’s 1.7 million off-grid households in passing the Energy Act, which included providing them the opportunity to use renewable liquid fuels – through a Renewable Liquid Heating Fuel Obligation – which will make the fuel affordable.

“Addressing the unequal tax treatment for renewable liquid fuels, which reduces the cost to consumers for their use in transport but not for home heating. Scrapping this duty, at no cost to the taxpayer, would incentivise rural off-grid households to switch to renewable liquid fuels.

“In this election rural off-grid households now must have the certainty they need to be able to choose how best they can make their contribution to achieving net zero. We stand ready to work with the next government to make that a reality”.

The price of oil vs other domestic heating costs

The price of oil vs other domestic heating costs

By Andrew Wells, 25 January 2024

It is interesting to see that the cost of home heating oil still fairs well on price comparatively to gas, LPG, air source heat pumps and electricity. Although it can be perceived as volatile and is prone to spikes when impacted by world events, but oil has been moderately steady in the last 12 months.

Sutherland Tables GB costs December 2023


The two tables above provided to industry body UKIFDA by Sutherland Tables (an established source of independent and impartial information on domestic heating costs) demonstrate these yearly figures.

Do give us a call to discuss your oil deliveries, topping up your tank or subscribing to MonthlyPay, our monthly direct debit payment scheme.

Call Andrew or Ange on 01423 396789

Bring some predictability to an unpredictable market with MonthlyPay

Bring some predictability to an unpredictable market with MonthlyPay

By Andrew Wells, 22 January 2024

After a busy Christmas period, now is a good time to plan your home finances. The Yorkshire Oils MonthlyPay payment plan brings peace of mind as well as convenience to paying your home heating bills.

Take these THREE easy steps.

  1. Click on link to GoCardless
  2. Sign up for a free account
  3. We will be notified and will create your monthly subscription.

Alternatively, call Andrew today on 01423 396789 chat through your options.

With the ongoing challenges in the Red Sea, oil prices are unpredictable. With MonthlyPay you can mitigate against this and…
• take control – pay a set amount on a day of your choice each month
• have peace of mind – your monthly payments mean no huge bills
• enjoy flexibility – choose and agree the amount and date the payment is taken on
• benefit from security of supply and no service charges

Payments start at just £100 per month, depending on your oil usage.

Read more on how MonthlyPay for new or existing customers.

Be Winter Wise with Yorkshire Oils: Your Five Point Plan

Be Winter Wise with Yorkshire Oils: Your Five Point Plan

By Andrew Wells, 2 October 2023

1. Check your boiler

We recommend booking an engineer to check your boiler ahead of the rush to ensure it’s working efficiently and not wasting heating oil. 

Please call Andrew on 01423 396789 or email to book a service in.

2. Book your delivery in good time

The current price is 75.95ppl. Order by Tuesday 3rd October 5pm and guarantee this price with no hidden charges.

Call 01423 396789 or email to make your order today.

The price you pay at Yorkshire Oils is calculated as ppl x number of litres + 5% VAT. Please be aware that some heating oil suppliers and comparison websites can add a hidden service charge to y our total cost, so the price you originally see may not be the total price that you pay.

3. Sign up For UKIFDA’s Cold Weather Priority Scheme

If you or someone you live with is 75 years or over, sign up for UKIFDA’s free Cold Weather Priority (CWP) scheme. Call or email Andrew on 01423 396789 to be added to the scheme.

Read more on the scheme.

4. Access support if you are struggling to pay

For heating oil users that may be vulnerable or are struggling to pay for their oil, there are a number of government guides packed with useful information and helpful guidance on how to access support where needed.

The Help for Households campaign provides information about the support available to help with the cost of living and offers money-saving tips. Plus, the Government’s Help With Your Energy Bills guide advises on this year’s Cold Weather and Winter payments.

At Yorkshire Oils you can sign up to MonthlyPay, a convenient, flexible way to budget for your home heating bills by spreading your payments across the year.

5. Choose Yorkshire Oils - a UKIFDA-Accredited Distributor 

For the safest and most efficient storage, handling, and delivery of fuel choose a UKIFDA (The UK and Ireland Fuel Distributors Association) accredited distributor like Yorkshire Oils.

At Yorkshire Oils, we pride ourselves on our friendly and knowledgeable service. When you call, you will reach a member of our small, local team who will be ready to answer your questions and process your order.

More time for off-grid households

More time for off-grid households

By Andrew Wells, 25 September 2023

You no doubt will have heard Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak’s speech last week on net zero policy or at least all the media coverage. Following a frenzied 24 hours of speculation, the much anticipated announcement outlined a ‘new approach’ and significant shift in the government’s green commitments.

In his speech the PM outlined a rethink to the targets to reach net zero, with many of the key policies being welcome news for all those living off-grid and relying on heating oil.

Key points to the government’s change in policy

  • The timeline for phasing out off-grid heating oil and LPG boilers has been relaxed and will move from 2026 to 2035, with this being an 80%, rather than 100% phase-out.
  • The Boiler Upgrade Scheme which gives people cash grants to replace their boiler, will be increased by 50% to £7,500
  • The government will never force anyone to rip out their existing boiler and install a heat pump – those unable to afford one will never have to switch

What does this mean for off-grid households?
These changes in policy do allow us more time. More time to adapt to the government’s net zero drive. For us living in rural locations and reliant on oil, we can still make a significant contribution to net zero by switching to renewable liquid gases such as hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO).

What next?
Essentially, the delay to the ban on oil boilers, will ensure that off-grid homeowners have time to explore a number of sustainable options, ensuring that you don’t face substantial costs for upgrades in a short period of time.

At Yorkshire Oils we remain committed to supporting you on this journey and we will keep you informed on any further updates.